It’s 16 Days Until THE HOLLOW GIRL,
the Final Moe Prager Novel!


Police. 1979. From Pictures of Daily Life of the New York Police Department in the 1970's.

Police. 1979. From Pictures of Daily Life of the New York Police Department in the 1970’s.


While Carmella hadn’t exactly been Miss Popularity with the brass, she did have a good rep with her peers–some of whom were still on the job in high places. And she’d taken a bullet in the line of duty, which earned her a lot of respect even from the hardass old-timers who still thought a woman’s place was in the kitchen or the bedroom and who thought a Puerto Rican’s place was in San Juan.”

–Moe Prager, from Hurt Machine


In celebration of the release on May 18 of The Hollow Girl, the ninth and final Moe Prager novel, we are revisiting some of the words of wisdom and wit from ex-NYPD cop, wine merchant, and sometime private investigator, Moe Prager. Today’s quote is from Walking the Hurt Machine, the seventh book in the series.






For information on how to pre-order The Hollow Girl please click here.



The source for today’s image can be found here.