Sep 12, 2018 | Books, News, Reviews, Robert B. Parker's Jesse Stone
‘Colorblind’ is well-written, fast-paced yarn Click here to read the review
Aug 24, 2018 | Books, News, Reviews, Robert B. Parker's Jesse Stone
In command of the elements of fiction, Coleman wastes no time drawing the reader in by way of a heart-pounding opening chapter — a young black woman is fleeing a second gang rape and brutalization on the beach. Stone, now chief of police in Swan Harbor, an upscale...
Aug 2, 2018 | Books, News, Reviews, Robert B. Parker's Jesse Stone
This is a must for Jesse Stone fans and a decent entry point for new readers, too — it’ll get you to go back and read at least a few older books (I’m more than willing to help a new reader with an “Essential Jesse Stone” reading list...
Jul 18, 2018 | Books, News, Reviews, Robert B. Parker's Jesse Stone
Jesse Stone is back, and he’s facing danger at every turn in Robert B. Parker’s Colorblind, the latest page-turning, must-read novel from Reed Farrel Coleman. Click here to read the review
Jul 17, 2018 | Books, News, Reviews, Robert B. Parker's Jesse Stone
Coleman’s take on Parker’s Jesse Stone is a work in progress, as it should be with any series character. He’s slowly extricating Stone from his demons without minimizing them. Jesse is in good hands....
Jul 10, 2018 | Books, News, Reviews, Robert B. Parker's Jesse Stone
Coleman makes the impact of these events on individuals palpable, giving this nuanced entry more emotional weight Click here to read the review