May 12, 2014 | 30 Days of Moe, Books, Moe Prager, The Hollow Girl
It’s 6 Days Until THE HOLLOW GIRL, the Final Moe Prager Novel! “What’s the old story? One friend says to another, “I don’t know art, but I know what I like.” And the friend says, “Yeah, but so do cows.”...
May 11, 2014 | 30 Days of Moe, Books, Moe Prager, The Hollow Girl
It’s 7 Days Until THE HOLLOW GIRL, the Final Moe Prager Novel! “Over time, I’d seemed to shed friends as a snake does skins. They tell me it’s natural. Things change. People change. They get married. They have kids. They get...
May 10, 2014 | 30 Days of Moe, Books, Moe Prager, The Hollow Girl
It’s 8 Days Until THE HOLLOW GIRL, the Final Moe Prager Novel! “Pooty’s was a corner bar on Hudson Street. It had floor tiles like a tenement bathroom and grout as black as my mechanic’s fingernails. Cracked and splitting, neither...
May 9, 2014 | 30 Days of Moe, Books, Moe Prager, The Hollow Girl
It’s 9 Days Until THE HOLLOW GIRL, the Final Moe Prager Novel! “There may be no silence in Brooklyn, ever, but there are lulls when its symphony quiets down just enough to hear individual instruments: a tugboat horn, the squeal and rumble of...
May 8, 2014 | 30 Days of Moe, Books, Moe Prager, The Hollow Girl
It’s 10 Days Until THE HOLLOW GIRL, the Final Moe Prager Novel! “I remembered a slide of a Magritte painting from my Introduction to Art History class–I guess I had college on my mind that day. It’s funny what you think about....
May 7, 2014 | 30 Days of Moe, Books, Moe Prager, The Hollow Girl
It’s 11 Days Until THE HOLLOW GIRL, the Final Moe Prager Novel! “It took a long time for the NYPD to change, but it changed. Walk into Times Square and look around. The people in those dark blue uniforms with badges on their chests look...