Where It Hurts is a dark, brooding, private detective novel. Its perpetual gloom deepens the atmosphere and generates an unnerving angst in the narrative that is both alluring and repulsive. Reed Farrel Coleman’s Long Island is far from the coastal tourist towns, and...
Where It Hurts is a compelling mystery with a lead who easily wins our sympathy, and I hope we will have more of Gus Murphy, soon. Click here to read the review
Gus’ stream-of-consciousness narrative gives us a good picture of the dark place he’s in, and the descriptions of his cold Long Island surroundings set a harsh scene of loneliness. He’s a character that’s easy to root for as he works to bring justice to people who...
Gus is so tough, but also so very human that in my eyes he could be the standard the next few PI characters will try to follow. An amazing new series. Click here to read the review
Where It Hurts offers a plot in which very few noses are clean, making it delightfully difficult to see the twists coming Click here to read the review