Mar 13, 2014 | Books, Moe Prager, Onion Street, Slideshows
Click any image to start the slideshow Vintage Postcard of the Parachute Jump at Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York (source: Propect Park in Brooklyn, New York in Winter circa 1904 (source: Man and Woman on Coney Island...
Oct 3, 2013 | Events, News, Slideshows
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Aug 29, 2013 | Books, Gulliver Dowd, Slideshows, Valentino Pier
VALENTINO PIER begins when PI Gulliver Dowd is approached by Ellis Torres, a street kid, on Valentino Pier in the Red Hook section of Brooklyn. Ellis has lost his dog, the aptly named Ugly. Click any image below to start the famous dogs slideshow There are many famous...