In a new series published by Raven Books, Reed’s new protagonist, a PI named Gulliver Dowd, makes his appearance. Louise Penny says:
“A little man with a huge heart and a huge chip on his shoulder, Gulliver Dowd swaggers into the crime fiction world and takes his place with the great investigators. Smart, vulnerable, heartbreakingly hopeful, I just adore his company. This is a staggering achievement. Bravo!”
Here’s the flap copy: When PI Gulliver Dowd discovers that his new client is Nina, his high-school sweetheart—and the only woman to break his heart—his first impulse is to refuse to take the case. But when she explains that her daughter is missing and that the teenager is Gulliver’s daughter too, what choice does he have?
Rapid Reads are short novels that can be read in one sitting. Available at independent bookstores, through Amazon, and through the publisher.